Art workshops for adults with learning disabilities

Celf o Gwmpas runs regular art workshops for learning disabled adults at Centre Celf, our multi use community arts centre in Llandrindod Wells on Tuesday mornings from 10.30am - 12.30pm, mainly during term time.

As a result of the group becoming very popular since covid, as people have wanted to get out, do things and spend time with friends, we now run two groups, both on a Tuesday morning.

As well as the regular Tuesday morning session, where people can have a go at a one off art activity and spend social time with friends we are running more focused six week long courses of very specific art mediums. These courses include woodwork, mosaic, felting, creative stitching and printing.

There is a £4 fee for participants, carers are free. We ask that all participants have a support person with them during the session.

If you would like more information please get in touch.


Clwb Celf - Saturday morning art club


Adventures in Art